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    Главная » 2014 » Июль » 27 » Рассказ о шотландии кратко. Мне нужен краткий рассказ о шотландии

    Рассказ о шотландии кратко. Мне нужен краткий рассказ о шотландии

    рассказ о шотландии кратко

    мне нужен краткий рассказ о шотландии

    dm Ученик (84), закрыт 1 год назад

    лучше на английском языке

    Лучший ответ

    Scotland is one of four part of the GB. In area Scotland is more than half as big as England. The principal cities of the country are: its capital Edinburgh and the main industrial center Glasgow.

    Scottish towns look very different from English towns. Some words about Edinburgh. Edinburgh, capital of Scotland, is one of Britain’s most attractive cities. It’s a city for people who like to walk.

    You are never far from green parks, gardens and hills - even in the main shopping streets. It’s a busy modern city, but the history is everywhere. At the top of the highest hill in Edinburgh is Edinburgh Castle. It was the home of Scotland’s royal family until 1603 when King James the 6th of Scotland became king of England and moved to London. The road which begins at the castle and goes eastwards is called Royal Mile. At the other end of the Royal Mile is the Palace of Hollyroodhouse.

    It was built by a Scottish king before Scotland and England were united to make Great Britain. Now it is a second home for the Queen or her children, who usually visit Edinburgh in the summer. When the royal family is not there you can visit the palace and see a lot of interesting things. There are nine hills in Edinburgh. They are long-dead volcanoes. From the tops of them you can see two bridges : the modern road bridges an the old rail bridges which has carried trains to the Highlands for more than a hundred years. The highlands of Scotland is mountainous and wild.

    In the winter it’s white with snow but in the summer it’s purple. Highlands are famous for the Scottish Olympics or the Highland games ( it’s real name ). These games are not only sporting competitions : music and different traditional games are very important too. While athletes throw the hammer at the one end of the arena, you can watch a dancing competition at the other end.

    There is also a game for the strongest athletes - tossing the caber, which weights 60 kilos and is six meters long. These games are very popular in Highlands. Usually between the mountains are rivers and lakes. Scottish people like fishing very much, that’s why they say that Scottish rivers are good for two : fishing is one, the other is Scotch whisky. Whisky is made from water and barley. The method hasn’t changed for hundreds years. Scotch whisky is the best one. Scotland is also famous for it’s kilt, the most important part of national dress and bagpipes - the national instrument. I thing Scotland is very beautiful country and if you visit it you shall never forget it.


    Остальные ответы

    The country as a part of the Great Britain (together with England and the Wales). Is in the north of the Great Britain and overland borders on England; it is washed in the north and the West by Atlantic ocean, in the east - the North Sea; the structure of Scotland includes 790 islands from which 130 are lived (the most known - Shetland and Orkney in the northeast, islands Lewis, Harris, Skye, Mullahs, Islay in archipelago of the Hebrides). In 1994 the British parliament has accepted the certificate about the government of Scotland according to which with April, 1st, 1996 the country shares on 6 regions (regions), subdivided into 32 areas (council areas) [15]. This division is considered at management of Scotland, polling districts and branches of some departments are formed by other territorial principle.

    "The short history of Scotland" Hjuma Brown, for the first time issued in 1908, has sustained during the XX-th century of tens reprintings. Similar there was and with the book a Poppy-kenzi. Certainly, there were many changes in a historical science. The part of the data resulted the Poppy-kenzi nowadays in another way is considered by historians. In the book the terms which have left already from the use and concepts are used many. Especially become outdated in a modern context looks chapter 1 of the 300-page monography in which it is told about the earliest phase of the Scottish history, to an epoch when, actually, Scots also were not. But, having jumped through ten pages of this archival archeology, the reader appears in soundly written and not lost present of history of Scotland of Middle Ages epoch.

    The poppy-kenzi considers in the attentive image sources on history of the country, but in its story Scotland does not become any area on boondocks of Europe. Events in the country
    Honey see in a context of the European history. Scotland belongs to the western Christian world and, despite the national features so esteemed by fans pseudo-romanticists, is the West European country - as, say, France or the next England. Thus, however, the Poppy-kenzi does not forget to underline and an originality of refraction of the all-European processes in history actually Scotland.

    However, not only the history of Scotland in a statement the Poppy-kenzi will interest the reader. Not less also the sight of the author of this book at "roots", attempt to understand the past of the country so that to explain the present and the future, apparently, is interesting. The Poppy-kenzi - the patriot. But its patriotism - not that grade that has been successfully named by "last shelter of villains". The poppy-kenzi knows lines of national character including not causing delight, but does not fall to their retouch. She dares to write about "an obstinacy combination which does the Scot by the excellent colonizer, the magnificent manager in all countries, except its native". To it the Poppy-kenzi tries to find a historical substantiation. Therefore the book not only gives us exact enough and detailed course of history of the Scottish Middle Ages and not only is a monument of historical thought

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